
About Us

We are a group of health care providers committed to improving the community’s overall health. Our mission is to provide Genesee County and the surrounding areas with the best health care services available. Our goal is to not only provide care to those who have medical needs but also to assist people in maintaining lifelong good health.
If you need additional assistance in locating the provider for your needs, our Physician Access team is a dedicated, public service offering assistance to community members seeking a medical provider. In "Matching Patients to Doctors", many avenues are considered. We first locate physicians based on appropriate specialty and type of insurance required. We then look for the physician near a requested location or based on further information such as educational background, years in practice, gender, etc. to further assist the caller choosing a physician. The phone number for this service is (800) 327-6262.
Language assistance is available for patients that have limited English proficiency during normal business hours (8 AM to 5 PM). Please contact your physician's office directly for assistance. TDD/TTY services are available for patients that have hearing and/or speech impairments at (810) 424-2471.
For technical support, please call us at (810) 424-2470.

How we can help you and your family

Your Role

  • Take part in planning your care
  • Learn about wellness and how to prevent diseases
  • Tell your physician your health concerns and needs
  • Inform physician of all prescribed and over the counter medications you are taking
  • Have all other physicians who take part in your care send your primary physician a report of your visit

Physician Role

  • Know about your health status to enable coordination of care
  • Provide you with the care that meets your needs and fits your goals and values
  • Provide you with care that is based on quality and safety
  • Respect you as an individual and respect your privacy
Providers Management, Inc.
3495 South Center Road
Burton, MI 48519

Fax: (810) 232-2266

Meaningful Use Certification

ONC Certification Mark
This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Developer Name: Providers Management, Inc. Product Name: Integrated Providers Patient Portal Product Version: 3.18 Website: https://www.integratedproviders.com/integratedproviders/ Physical Address: 3495 S. Center Rd. Street, Burton MI 49519, USA Date Certified: 12/31/2022 Certification ID Number: Criteria Certified: 170.315 (b)(10); (d)(1-3, 5, 7, 9, 12-13); (e)(1); (g)(4-6) Clinical Quality Measures Certified: None Additional Software Required: Altera Digital Health Touchworks EHR, phiMail Server