Specialty Programs

Specialty Programs

Specialty Programs By Locations
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Specialized Spine Rehabilitation: This specialty relates to specialized treatment for pain or dysfunction of the neck and back. Patients with neck pain and back pain and even radiating leg pain will benefit from this specialty. Focus is on attaining pain relief through restoring normal spinal function through manual techniques to the spinal joints, soft tissue stretching, and core stabilization training.

Sports Medicine/ Return to Sports Program: This specialty is focused on restoring full physical function to allow individuals to return to full participation in their sport(s). The treatments are specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of the athlete and his/her particular sport. We utilized sport-specific training so that exercises actually mimic the activities performed in the sport.

Fall Prevention and Balance Restoration: Balance can be adversely affected by illness and injury, and typically declines as we age. Declining balance places individuals at an increased risk of falling. Balance, however, can be trained and improved with the skilled approach employed in this specialty. Our physical therapists also address the multitude of factors that affect an individual’s risk of falling.

Vestibular Rehabilitation: Vertigo is the unpleasant sensation of the room spinning that often times comes on with certain movements of the head, changes in position, and even rolling over in bed. Vertigo increases a person’s risk of falling. The most common cause of vertigo is “Benign Positional Vertigo” which can be readily treated and corrected. This program also manages a wide variety of vestibular system dysfunctions.

Women’s Health: Pelvic floor dysfunction and incontinence are relatively common issues for many people. At PIPT we have staff members who are trained in techniques, including biofeedback, to address and improve pelvic floor dysfunction and incontinence.

We also offer specialized care for nursing mothers with mammary duct blockage. This painful condition can often be quickly and effectively treated by our skilled therapists who have been trained to manage it.

Perinatal Back and Pelvic Pain Program: Back pain does not have to be a major part of pregnancy. One of the changes that occurs within a woman’s body during pregnancy and post-partum is a softening of the connective tissues including ligaments, joint capsules and tendons. This change in the connective tissues in combination with all of the other physical changes occurring can produce excessive mobility in the joints of the spine and pelvis, lending them to dysfunction, and can cause irritation and dysfunction of the muscle tissues. Physical therapists are able to identify the dysfunctions present that are at the root of the pain and address them, making for a less painful pregnancy and post-pregnancy.

Headache and TMJ Program: Headaches and jaw pain are two common complaints that are often times linked to mechanical dysfunctions of the joints and muscles of the neck. Many, many people perform jobs that require long hours at a desk, working on computers, and long hours driving. These positions and others can lead to forward head posture, tightening of the joints and muscles in the back of the neck, and weakening of the muscles in the front of the neck. These mechanical changes ultimately can lead to frequent headaches and pain in the jaws. Physical therapy can restore the normal mechanics of the head and neck and restore balance that significantly decreases headaches and jaw pain.

Functional Rehabilitation of the Extremities: Our clinicians are skilled in the orthopedic management of any pain or dysfunction of the extremities (arms and legs). Our approach to extremity rehabilitation is to not only restore the basic range-of-motion and strength of the limb, but to retrain it to function normally and without pain for the patient’s normal daily activities.

Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: At PIPT, we are eager to work in collaboration with the surgeon to achieve the greatest return of function possible following a corrective surgery. We are skilled at post-operative rehabilitation for the vast majority of orthopedic problems.

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction/ Incontinence: PIPT employs specially trained physical therapists at our Flint and Lapeer locations that provide rehabilitative services for pelvic floor dysfunction and incontinence. We are able to manage numerous conditions for both men and women.

Multidisciplinary Neurological Rehabilitation: Our clinicians are skilled in maximizing the return of function for patients with a variety of neurological insults, including stroke, hemiplegia, progressive neurological disorders (Parkinson’s, Alzheimers, ALS, multiple sclerosis, etc), traumatic brain injury, brain injuries s/p tumor or tumor resection, peripheral nerve palsies, developmental neurological disorders, vestibular disorders, central vestibular disorders, cranial nerve dysfunction, and mild, incomplete spinal cord injuries. This program includes one or more of the following disciplines as requested by the referring physician: physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy. Specialty neurological rehabilitation is available at our Neurological and Specialty Rehabilitation Center on Holly Road in Grand Blanc which is designed specifically for clientele with neurological deficits.

Lymphedema Management: Lymphedema is excessive swelling that can occur due to a problem with a person’s lymphatic system. Lymphedema commonly occurs in the arm after a woman has received treatment and/or surgery for breast cancer. Lymphedema can also occur in the legs particularly after a man receives treatment and/or surgery for prostate cancer. The swelling can become painful and it can interfere with a person’s ability to use the swollen limb. Our certified lymphedema therapist is skilled in techniques to alleviate lymphedema and to educate patients about how to manage this condition.

Work Re-Conditioning: Are you recovering from an injury but now need to return to work? We can help you to regain your strength, mobility, and stamina to allow you to perform the tasks of your job. Regardless of what your job entails, we can tailor therapy to meet the particular demands of your job and help to get you back to work.

Functional Capacity Evaluations: Functional capacity evaluations are examinations designed to test a person’s capabilities to perform normal daily activities and work activities. Our therapists are able to perform thorough evaluations and produce a report that will help you and your physician to determine your physical capabilities.

Parkinson’s Program: Ascension Genesys Ambulatory Physical Therapy offers three distinct outpatient rehabilitation programs for people with Parkinson’s disease. The programs include LSVT BIG, LSVT Loud, and PWR! Program. These programs are provided by LSVT Big, LSVT Loud, and PWR! Program certified physical therapists (PTs), occupational therapists (OTs), and speech therapists. Developed from key neuroscience principals, each of these globally recognized programs seeks to re-educate the brain’s sensory and motor systems and optimize neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to adapt). A growing body of research in the field of Parkinson’s disease supports that (1) “whole body therapy” should begin at the time of diagnosis or as early as possible, (2) traditional exercise therapy intensity should be increased, and (3) people with Parkinson’s should be coached and pushed to restore normal movement—not just participate in a compensation or maintenance plan. Intensive, large-amplitude, high effort practice is essential for triggering maximal brain adaptation and improve movement capability and quality. The research suggests that intensive, continuous, whole-body exercise along with appropriate medications, may reduce movement deterioration, possibly slow disease progression, and extend quality of life. The ultimate goal of therapy is for patients to achieve long-term carryover of their larger amplitude (BIG) movements and/or their (LOUD) voices automatically in everyday living.

STAR Certified Oncology Rehabilitation: Ascension Genesys Ambulatory Physical Therapy offers Oncology Rehab for cancer survivors that will help them to heal faster and better. Ascension Genesys Ambulatory Physical Therapy has a longstanding commitment to providing the best possible care for people undergoing cancer treatment. As part of the cancer care continuum, we have developed excellent survivorship services. Because of this strong commitment to our patients, we are teaming up with Oncology Rehab Partners to bring the STAR Program® (Survivorship Training and Rehabilitation) to Ascension Genesys Ambulatory Physical Therapy. The STAR Program is a nationally recognized cancer survivorship program that focuses on helping survivors to heal physically and emotionally as well as possible. Based on conventional medicine, as in orthopedic and cardiac rehabilitation, the STAR Program utilizes an interdisciplinary approach in which caregivers from different specialties team up to help patients increase strength and energy, alleviate pain, and improve daily function and well-being.

LSVT Big Logo STAR Program Registered Logo LSVT Loud Logo